What is Node.js ?
Node.js is a server-side JavaScript run-time environment that works cross-platform and is open source. Node.js uses event drive and non-blocking models that make this framework light weight and efficient. Node.js package ecosystem - "NPM" is the world's largest ecosystem of open source libraries.
Actually node.js is -
A platform that allows us to run on a JavaScript computer or server.
Helps to read, delete and update files.
Helps to easily communicate with the database.
Why is Node.js so popular?
It uses JavaScript.
Very fast (using V8 engine and non-blocking code)
Open source package has many large ecosystems such as - NPM
Very good for real time services such as - Chat service.
Let's know about some features of Node JS:
1) Swift: Node that S's library code execution is much faster.
2) I / 0 Asynchronous and Even-Driven: All APIs are asynchronous which means the server does not wait for the API to back up the data.
3) Single threaded: Node that uses single threaded model with S event loop.
4) High Scalable: Node that S uses an event mechanism that allows the server to respond to non-blocking manners that make it scalable.
5) No buffering: Node that s processing time significantly reduces when uploading audio and video files. So buffering is not.
6) Open Source: Being open source, Node JS has come up with many amazing models that are used to add better capability to Node JS applications.
7) License: It is licensed under MIT.
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